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Thursday, October 20, 2016

FirePower FMX Rad Studio 10.1 Berlin

FirePower 7.0 FMX 

Our exciting new FireMonkey suite of components (FirePower) allow you to rapidly build expressive, powerful, and blazingly fast applications for both the mobile space and desktop using Embarcadero's RAD Studio. Once you start building applications with the combination of Embarcadero's programming paradigm and FirePower controls including its masterpiece FireMonkey grid, you will realize how expensive in both time and money it was to use anything else. Start your free trial of both products now!.

"Woll2Woll transferred their in-depth knowledge from the VCL into the most versatile grids currently available for FireMonkey. All grids from FirePower perform great on desktop and mobile and are definitely a set of components you need. For me FirePower is a must-own." - Dr. Gernot Baecker, Senior Programmer., GJBprg​