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Saturday, October 15, 2016


13.10.2016 AlphaControls v11.17 Stable released

 Alpha Control

* Improved initializing of the TsDecimalSpinEdit when the DecimalPlaces property is changed
* Improved drawing of the TsImage if Transparent property is False
* Improved showing of popup forms by the ShowPopupForm procedure
* Improved scaling of TsSpeedButton and TsButton when dropdown arrow is visible
* Improved painting of the TsCombobox component without skins
* Switching of the ScaleMode property is improved visually
* Solved issue with drawing of a selected item with big text in the TsTreeView component
* Solved problem with scrolling of the TsSkinSelector component by keyboard
* Solved issue with empty form showing when ExtendedBorders used
* Solved problem with hotkeys when TsComboboxEx is focused
* Added support of the TSearchBox component
* Added semitransparent painting of the disabled TsSlider components and caption of the TsGroupBox component

Download:  13.10.2016 AlphaControls v11.17 Stable released