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Monday, August 17, 2009

DelphiSpeedUp optimizes your Delphi IDE loads

DelphiSpeedUp is an IDE plugin for Delphi and C++Builder. It improves the IDE’s startup speed and increases the general speed of the whole IDE. This is achieved by replacing some often used RTL functions by FastCode function that are optimized for the used CPU and some other faster implementations. It also employs caches when the IDE loads.

  • Improves Delphi/BCB/BDS’s load times
  • Optimizes often used RTL functions by functions form the FastCode project
  • All optimizations are done in memory and do not change any file on disk
  • Adds a “Close all and kill” menu item to the “File” menu that terminates the IDE very fast
  • The fast termination is used when you close the IDE while pressing the CTRL key.
  • Shows waiting cursor while loading designtime package
  • Optimized the Delphi Compiler’s C RTL
  • CodeCompletion and HelpInsight can be aborted by ESC/mouse move
Supported IDEs:
  • C++Builder 5, 6
  • Delphi 5, 6, 7
  • Borland Developer Studio 2005, 2006
  • CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 (December Update)
How to install:
  • Download the DelphiSpeedUp zip-file
  • Extract the zip file to a directory of your choice
  • Execute the contained executable InstallDelphiSpeedUpX (where X is your Delphi/BCB version)
  • Start Delphi/BCB/BDS and work on your projects
Name IDE Version

DelphiSpeedUp 2.78 – all in one 5-2007

DelphiSpeedUp 2.78 – all in one 5-2007

DelphiSpeedUp 2.78 2007

DelphiSpeedUp 2.78 2006

DelphiSpeedUp 2.78 7

DelphiSpeedUp 2.78 6

DelphiSpeedUp 2.78 5

Where is DelphiSpeedUp for Delphi/C++Builder 2009

There is no need for a DelphiSpeedUp for Delphi/C++Builder 2009 yet. The IDE is faster than Delphi 2007 with an installed DelphiSpeedUp. All other features are now part of DDevExtensions.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Firebird Control Center


  • Firebird Control Center is an easy to use administration tool for Firebird Database. Database backup and restore can make make without using the complex tool gbak with many parameters. Simple user management helps you to secure tables and procedures. Maintenance settings like sweep interval, set page buffers, etc can be done within some clicks.


  • Backup a database including options verbose, ignore checksums, ignore limbo, metadata only, no garbage collect, non transportable, convert ext tables.
  • Restore a database using options verbose, replace, deactivate idx, no shadow, no validity, per table commit, use all space.
  • Bring a database offline (force, deny trans. and deny attach) and online.
  • Sweep (garbage collection).
  • Repair (mend, validate pages, validate full, read only, ignore checksums, kill shadows).
  • Simple User management


  • fbcontrolcenter is written in c++ with Qt and is in the moment under heavy development. Accessing to Firebird is be done with the IBPP classes.
